
The BabyCenter sex survey results

The BabyCenter sex survey results

BabyCenter's sex survey results Last updated: May 2010 What new and expectant parents are really doingAre you doomed to hanky-panky hibernation when you start a family? That's one of the most enduring myths of modern times, so we decided to put it to the test. Your candor surprised and delighted us. Still, 40 percent of pregnant couples say their sex life is so sleepy they might as well have separate beds.40.3% Call us a modern-day Lucy and Ricky Ricardo separate beds might even be welcome at this point.40.2% Not much has changed.19.4% We can't get enough of each other!At any point during pregnancy did you feel your libido switch into high gear?Whoever said pregnant women lose interest in lovemaking didn't talk to our users! Nearly 70 percent say their desire level either remained steady or shot up during pregnancy. And that rumor that the second trimester makes some women feel like newly anointed sex goddesses is true for two in 10. Only about a third of women say their sex drive shifted down during pregnancy. Favorite pregnancy positions include side by side, woman on top, and, according to the thousands of couples who wrote in, "doggie-style" and "edge-of the-bed" sex, with the woman on her back and the man standing up.36.7% We had more side-by-side sex.35.1% We had more woman-on-top sex.29.8% We took our time and made love more slowly.20.4% We had more oral sex.18.4% We had less intercourse and pleasured each other in other ways.8.8% We tried positions that could vie for Kama Sutra status.13.2% OtherHow soon after your baby was born did you get back into the swing of things?Nearly half of all couples followed their doctor's instructions and waited until the second month to have sex (most doctors recommend waiting four to six weeks). Still, 20 percent had to have each other in the first month with one couple admitting they waited just one day! Only a fraction of couples waited more than six months to make love again.48.2% We had sex again in our second month.21.2% We made love within the first month.18.6% We had sex for the first time somewhere between months three and four.2.8% We had sex for the first time somewhere between months five and six.2.5% We waited at least six months to resume lovemaking.6.8% OtherWhich of the following best describes your sex life after the baby compared to your sex life before?About eight in 10 couples say having a baby changes your sex life. Unfortunately, half describe the impact as negative. They can't find time when they're both in the mood or they're just too exhausted to make love. Still, desire remains high for many parents. One in 10 say parenthood is an aphrodisiac, and two in 10 say they want to make love but they're too busy.30.4% It's a battlefield we never seem to want sex at the same time. Which would you most like to do?Taking a snooze beats out sex as parents' first choice for Saturday night fun, followed closely by watching TV or a movie. Many wrote in to say they'd like to combine all the choices, others want to take a bath together and then make love, and a strong contingent would be happy just cuddling.31.8% Sleep26.8% Make love23.9% Watch TV or a movie5.7% Have a heart-to-heart talk4.7% Take a bath or shower2.3% Read4.8% OtherHas your attraction to your spouse or partner changed since you became parents?Parenthood is sexy! Nearly 85 percent of couples say they find their honey as hot or hotter since they had a child. An opportunistic third grab whatever moments of privacy they can throughout the day. We know from other BabyCenter polls that eight in 10 new moms and dads sleep in the same room as their baby, so when the urge strikes, it's not surprising that most just stay where they are and hope they don't wake their sleeping angel.59.3% Yes40.7% NoIf you're not having sex as much as you used to, what's the main reason?Babies do sap your energy and eat up your time. For instance, the question about prenatal sex drive: I personally have felt more sexy and am pretty much constantly in the mood, through all of my trimesters. The question, "When do you have sex most often" Should probably have a "It's too far apart to know" answer, as well as a "all of the above".
Personally, me and my hubby are soooo much in love, we can't get enough of each other. My personal favorite is the morning, because it's an amazing start to the day :) but middle of the day sex while the kids are sleeping or watching tv is AWESOME too!!! Not that I'm complaining about the nighttime sex, but I'm just saying.
Also, I agree 100% with Emilysmom2011, The self-righteous, and yet, anonymous baby center member from March 5th is either over protective or a prude. There is NOTHING wrong with a healthy sex life and it in no way inhibits your ability to be good parents! In fact, in makes you better parents because your satisfied :)
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